When A Seizure Is A Blessing

At this moment, I’m sitting in a hospital room overlooking Lake Michigan, waiting for my baby boy (who is currently in a 2 hour MRI), having been up and functioning since my husband woke me around 4:00am with the words “Chase is having some kind of seizure.”

In this moment, our hearts and minds are almost too full to process what is happening to our son, but here is some brief info:

  • Chase has a large mass in his brain.  This is what has been causing his illness and loss of language over the last weeks.  This is also what caused his seizure this morning.
  • The biggest issue now is to keep the swelling on the brain down and medicate against seizures.
  • As we are beginning to meet with the neuro team, they are very encouraging about this type of mass.
  • The mass means surgery and surgery soon.

In this moment, we have SO many unanswered questions, but here are some that we know to be true:

  • God can handle our fears and asks us to bring them to Him (Philippians 4:4-7).
  • God promises peace (Isaiah 26:13).
  • God knows and loves Chase and has been all over this happening in his life since, well, forever (Psalm 139).

We are so thankful for all the messages of love and encouragement.  In some ways, the seizure is the best thing that could have happened because they detected the mass and moved us to a higher priority level where Chase is getting great care.

Something tells me we are just beginning this journey…

More to follow soon…


Chase resting before his transfer this morning

5 thoughts on “When A Seizure Is A Blessing”

  1. You don’t know me, but I am your sister, adopted into the same family through Jesus. I heard about your little boy through Meg and wanted to let you know I see God answering my prayers for you and your family through what you just wrote. I will continue to pray for you and look forward to more miraculous news.
    You are loved!!!

  2. Dear Ellie and Bob,
    This whole thing you are going through brings back so many memories. I want you both to know I am here if you need to talk about anything that you may wonder about. So many questions, I know. I love you both and will be praying for Chase and all of you as you walk this journey. I want to help in any way I can. The hospital is a very familiar place for us and we want to help you got through this easier than we did. I’m here anytime to talk but totally understand the need for space.

    Tricia for all the DeJongs

  3. Oh, Ellie! I’m so sorry to hear this and will definitely be keeping you all in my prayers. I don’t know if you remember this but I worked with children with brain masses while I was at VCH so if there’s anything I can help you from a social work perspective (being mindful that there’s likely an awesome SW where you are), please let me know!

  4. We met briefly at Starbucks in May, I am a friend of Meg’s. Chase, his doctors and nurses, and all of you are in my prayers. As He works in all your lives stay close to Him and lean on Him, He is there with you and He loves you so very much. Lean not to your own understanding and in all your way acknowledge God. Allow yourself to be humble under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper time, casting all your anxiety upon Him, because He cares for you, all of you. Prov. 3:5,6 and 1 Peter 5:6,7

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