Story Lines

Dear ones, this month is a busy writing month for me, and as I decided I wanted to share a few lines with you. I don’t want to tell you too much about the plot yet, but suffice to say that one character is having a hard season in her life and went back to her childhood church hoping for answers, but so far, she doesn’t like what she hears. At all.

Enjoy the crazy ideas flowing out of my brain these days.

MbM ~


His voice was softer, more introspective as he considered each word like a chess piece in a half-gone game. “If God’s light isn’t strong enough for your darkness – for the darkness of any man or woman who walks the earth – then he would not be a very good or strong God, yes?”

“Yes” She answered his expectant silence. “I mean no, he wouldn’t.”

“Exactly.” Triumph laced his tone. “That is what I am saying to you right now.”

“That God is not very powerful after all?” Her shoulders were numb from sitting so still against the gleaming wood of the pew.

“Ah, no, dear one. I am trying to tell you that God’s light is enough for your darkness.”

She jumped to her feet, and he slowly rose with her, as if he had expected just this reaction. 

“No!” Suddenly, she was angry at this man; another in the long line of men who seemed to promise all good things to her. “You don’t get to tell me things like that – charlatan promises to help me sleep better at night. They are just words to you, Father, and yet you use them to offer me peace. I want no part in your placebo drugs of religion and peace and a light that is enough.”

“Placebo drugs?” The thin skin on his forehead wrinkled. 

“An experiment – “He cut her off.

“I know what a placebo drug is, Vera. It is the untruth that becomes truth to the body that believes hard enough – that wants it enough.”

She shook her head. “It is the failure – the opposite of the help.”

“Who are you to say what fails and what does not? You see only a moment in time – one moment at a time. What if there are pieces of the story that are unfolding and you just don’t know the rest yet?” His tone was deliberate and challenging, yet somehow still loving. “What if what you see as a failure is actually going to turn out for good?”

“I see too much sickness to believe such a fairy tale, Father.”

“First it is a fake drug, and now a bedtime story.” He shook his head. “I cannot make you believe what you do not wish to acknowledge, Vera. But I can tell you that at some point, in some way, you will need something bigger than yourself to hold on to – to find hope in. It cannot be your husband, and it cannot be your baby. And it cannot even be your friends or your work, fulfilling though they might be. And until you let go of this that burdens you, and until you realize there is more to be had and given outside of you – you will sicken like one of your patients, Vera.”

“That’s a little dramatic, don’t you think, Father?”

“I have seen it happen, ch – ” He caught himself on the endearment and nodded once to her. “I have seen it happen. A heavy heart can eat away at your flesh and bones just as well as a cancer can.”

She hated his words, wanting only to be gone from this place she had mistakenly thought might have offered her sanctuary. “It’s too dramatic, Father. And there is no proof of such things. People survive bad things all the time – work at surviving for their whole lives even – without wasting away.”

His look was loving. “Ah, yes, it is sad and true, both. But Vera – and this is the last because I can feel your need to escape – ” She stilled at his knowing words. “What if they were not living at all? What is there’s more to be had than simply surviving?” 

Untitled Work, Ellie Poole Ewoldt, 2020

Please note that this is a small part of a largely un-edited work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is coincidental (not to mention disturbing).

This Is The Week

This is the week.

This is the week I’m going to write more.

This is the week I’m going to have brilliant insights.

This is the week I’m going to take better care of myself and those around me.

…the week I’m going to be more intentional about the words of Jesus.

…more intentional about parenting.

…about a child with special needs.

…about my neighbors.

…my friends.

…my spouse.

This is the week.

This is the week that nobody is going to get sick.

This is the week that all the meals will be beautifully home-cooked – even the last minute ones.

This is the week that I’m not going to raise my voice.

…that nobody is going to cry.

…that life isn’t going to seem like such a struggle.

…that the joy will outweigh the hurt.

…the pain.

…the terminal.

…the endlessness of it all.

This is the week.

This is the week I’m going to solve things.

This is the week I’m going to be ahead of the ball.

This is the week I’m going to spin all the plates.

…I’m going to make it look easy.

…find my groove.

…get it right.

This is the week.

This is the real week.

In this real week, I can’t find words that I haven’t already said.

In this real week, I don’t want to write about all the silly frustrations that hamper and shame.

In this real week, I’ve already given up on self-care before I started because there’s just too much to do.

…I already plugged a fiction book into my headphones; reaching directly over my untouched bible to push “play” on my phone.

…And then I yelled at my kids to be quiet.

…especially the kid who can’t hardly control his volume.

…while I closed the blinds to the neighborhood.

…and let resentment fester that work was keeping my husband out of the house and away from the family again.

This is the real week.

The reservoirs of joy, thankfulness, and intentional living are on empty…or beyond empty (if there is such a concept).

This week is dead on arrival and it isn’t even here yet.

Call the code. Throw in the towel. But wait…

There may still be a week.

There may still be a week because it isn’t about me anyway.

There may still be a week because my story is not really my own.

There may still be a week because any good thought I have is a God gift.

There may still be a week because I can ask for wisdom and it is promised to me.

…because I have a merciful high priest in Jesus.

…because the mercy is new every morning.

…because my life is atypical for a glory reason I don’t yet see.

…because I plan things and then Jesus directs it all.

…because while I have breath, I can still surrender.

…my family, my neighbors, my friends, my spouse.

…the pain, the terminal, the endlessness of it all.

This is the week.

This is the week formed by Perfect Love – just like the last week and the one that comes next too.

This is the week with glory purposes that have yet to unfold.

This is the week that dawns moment by moment in grace.

This is the week…

…the day.

…the moment.

…the breath.

…that the Lord has made.


The story is bigger than the week.



Dear ones, this last month has been full of speaking and writing projects, but I wanted to go back in time just a little because I miss you and it’s been a long four weeks. I originally wrote this in the Easter season of 2013 while Chase was in treatment and I’d recently received some very critical feedback on desiring to find joy in suffering. A dozen times, I sat down to write out a “So there!” defense of where Bob and I stood, but there were no good words…until Easter. My freedom to write isn’t bound up in who I am (I need no argument or plea!), but rather, in who God is.

Free to write, free for joy, free in Christ because of the cross.

I hope you are free this weekend, this year, and this life too.

Our weeping is for a season, but joy comes in the morning (Psalm 30:5).

Waiting for the Eternal Morning!

~ E

As a Christian, Easter is one of the most important times of my year. It’s the season I set aside to celebrate what Jesus did for me, but this year is more precious as I consider how the events of Easter fit into our cancer world.

I believe with all my heart that Jesus is the son of God, that the Bible is true, and that the promises it contains are real and this is why I so often include verses in my blog posts–to remind myself of what I know to be true when my circumstances are overwhelming (which they often are). In those moments, I literally have the physical sensation of drowning.  Believing as I do doesn’t change the pain of cancer or anything else in this life, but it can and does change how I face the drowning moments.

Often, like the thief on the cross next to Jesus–not the mocker, but the other–the weight of life and pain (some self-inflicted, some not) closes in and I cry out.  And then comes the reply,

“Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.”

That’s it! This is the answer to the agony. The pain and suffering is only a season, because death is swallowed up in Jesus’ glorious victory and its sting is gone. One day soon I will be with Jesus in Heaven!

Because I know God made me, and I will be in Heaven with Him forever when this weary life is over, I am freed from the drowning to feel joy in sorrow and peace in chaos. Death may be sad, but it need not sting because this life is not the end, but the beginning.

In the midst of this cancer world, there can be incredible, inexplicable peace because my ultimate struggle has already been resolved. My sin was taken care of on the cross by God Himself! All that happens in my life is what He lovingly allows for His pleasure and glory. Someday I will be complete and lacking in nothing and with Him forever in fullness of joy.

This is my cancer foundation. This is my life foundation.

Moment by moment.

“He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.” Revelations 21:4


Amazing Easter thoughts that encouraged my heart today ~

Ann Voskamp writes from the perspective of the mother who watches her son die… How Good Friday Meets All Our Hard.

Greg Morse shows how A Savior Stepped Forward on the Desiring God blog.

Shelf Life with Rachel McRae This Week

logo-altToday, please join me over on LifeWay Books blog: Shelf Life with the incomparable Rachel McRae.

It was a great honor to write an exclusive story for the LifeWay audience that is not included in the book. So come check it out.

Here, I’ll get you started…

I love stories. Maybe it’s how I learn, or maybe it’s just my dramatic belief that I could be a kindred spirit with the likes of Anne of Green Gables, but whatever it is, stories speak to me and often come closest to defining the otherwise inexplicable in life. So, I wrote you a story.

This story is exclusive because it isn’t in the book and I it put into words just for you. But this story is also a communal experience with aspects like fear, pain, love, and the unknown.

I invite you to see yourself in me. Learn from my broken story, and then go and tell your own beautifully broken story – because God is who He says He is.

The IV pumps clicked comfortingly in the eerie glow of monitors and the clock on the wall read 11:30 p.m. – late for even the children’s hospital emergency room…

For the rest of the story, click HERE.


What Has Been And What Comes Next

It’s been a year since two dear ladies sat with me on a conference call and invited me to submit a book proposal and I’ve had to go back and re-thank them both for the honor I now understand that they were bestowing on me.

One whole year of writing and re-writing, editing and re-editing. Of bloody-looking files filled with red words and notes so prolific and desperately needed that Chase would come up behind me and exclaim: “Hey Mom, it looks like Christmas on your computer! It’s all red and white!”

One year of forming new bonds with a new family who have taken up Chase’s story as their own. They have prayed for him and prayed for me, and have cheered us on and even helped us find beautiful resolution to a story with no ending.

One year that we’ve all wrestled to “get it right” – and wow, is it beautiful. I filled the pages and they turned it into art.

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I cannot even begin to describe what it was like to put myself back in the rooms, on the ambulances, waiting during surgeries – all of it – and then to dig even deeper into the hows and whys. It’s both broken and strengthened me in so many ways to type the words “moment by moment” all over again through current life challenges and not just past seasons. Oh, God is good as He pushes me to keep seeing Him in all the craziness even now.

So, out of this process that I’ve begun to think of as a fifth pregnancy; after a long labor and delivery, there is birthed a beautiful new baby, if you will…

Chase Away Cancer: A Powerful True Story Of Finding Light In A Dark Diagnosis

My heart is full. I poured everything I had into these pages and they’re FOR YOU.

Where can you find Chase Away Cancer? Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Tyndale Direct, CBD, Lifeway, and more…

When will Chase Away Cancer be in stores? May 1st, 2016

How can I help? I’m so glad you asked! My heart for this book is to be an encouragement to others and also to help raise awareness about what it can look like on the inside of a cancer diagnosis.

So here are a few practical, hands-on way you can join me:

  • You can take to social media on behalf of the book: Please re-post and re-tweet anything I’m sending out – and don’t forget #chaseawaycancer
  • You can share the website with friends and family: My new BFF Rachel over at Tyndale designed the most gorgeous piece for, so now, when you go to the main address, it’ll take you right to book information complete with links to major retailers and beautiful pictures, bios, endorsements, free downloads, etc. It’s a work of art – check it out! Um, also? Free downloads. Don’t miss that part.
  • You can pick a special day to order the book: I’ve learned that sold books are counted not as whole, but by the week, so if you’re trying to figure out the optimal day to order the book, make it May 1st! If we raise the roof over this and hundreds of people are going crazy about the book on that date (and the following week), just think how many retailers and outlets will need to start thinking more about the topics covered within this story as they look at their weekly sales.
  • You can write a review of the book: After a certain number of reviews (50), Amazon will start to promote the book and suggest it to others. Um, yes, please!

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Promotion is not easy for me (just ask my realtor husband who has almost lay down and died multiple times with the crazy go-live-in-a-cave-and-not-talk-to-people-anymore things I’ve said over the years), but I’m stepping out of my comfort zone for you:

  • Because I believe God is good and that’s why I wrote this book.
  • Because I believe this book is full of things we all face in one facet or another.
  • Because I believe that if we all start talking about this story, then we all start opening doors and discussions to cancer, the goodness of God in trials, fear, faith, and so many other things.
  • Because maybe you know someone who needs to read this book even more than you do and you’re the one to put it in their hands.

You guys, I have no idea where this story is going to go, but I can tell you that the very first advanced copy went out on an ambulance. True story. Can you imagine…?

Moment by moment.