This week, I had the honor to guest write for Way-FM. They asked me if I’d be willing to write about the seasons in life that come with no answers, and fully acknowledging the irony of answering the unanswerable, I undertook to wrestle through this. And I’m so glad I did! God is faithful and good.
I hope my wrestling blesses you as it did me. I’ve included the first few sentences here to get you started and then click on over to Way-FM and discover where I ended up with my answers.
“There are no words in any language that adequately express the emotion felt when hearing the phrase: “There’s a large mass”, no way to express the feelings that wash over the heart and mind when these words are spoken over the body of a two-year-old boy.
But, I know I’m not the only one who has heard words like this and Chase isn’t the only one to carry cancer like this.
How many times have I heard other stories?
Have you heard them too?
The friend whose breast cancer was gone for thirty years and then relapsed…
The small child who had every advantage that modern medicine could offer and still stopped breathing…
The parents and family and friends with empty arms and an un-fillable void in their lives…
Cancer is a bully – a vicious beast robbing us of our health, resources, relationships, and perhaps most frequently: answers. Nurses look puzzled, doctors shrug, and all people – from every possible religious and cultural background – weep, pray, and go through various rituals to beg for answers that will bring peace and change, and most especially, healing. As if somehow, understanding the unfolding horror will make it suddenly more bearable…”