The outcome could have been so much worse and for that, we praise. However, it was a shadow day, a “cancer” day, a reminder that we live in and with something that can threaten whenever it wants. It was a day for remembered dependence on God in ways that summer pool days don’t always impress upon me.
At the end of it all, we were all six under the same roof with no hospitals or sirens and we slept – truly slept – and for that I’m thankful.
At this moment in time, here’s all I know for sure: there’s a mercy that’s new every morning and a proven refuge in times of trouble.
Yesterday was a day when it was easier for me to throw up words onto social media sites, but I’ve copied them here today. May they encourage you to wait on Him, trust in Him, and see your wait as a beautiful part of the journey.
Moment by moment.
Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. This I declare about the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I trust him.” Psalm 91:1-2 (NLT)
10:15 AM —
In the first hour of this morning’s summer camp, I got a call from a friend at church indicating that Chase had been brought in complaining of a headache, right eye pain, and lack of feeling in his right leg – even some “dragging” of the leg.
[cue the parent panic…especially as his tumor presented on his left side]
By the time I got to him, he could walk, he’d never stopped talking, and he showed no signs of seizing, but he was so tired that he spoke hardly at all (for those who know Chase, you know this is out of the ordinary) and slept for a few hours following my bringing him home.
He’s now more “himself”, but keeps resting and sleeping – saying his head hurts and his leg feels “rusty” even though it works.
In times like this, it feels impossible not to panic, but we are trying to live in grace in the moment.
Right now, for me (Chase’s mom), that looks like this: setting a timer for 30 minutes and only checking my email when the alarm sounds – to avoid frantically opening the mail app on my phone every 20 seconds in hopes of hearing from Chase’s doctors.
It could be a virus, it could be his growth hormones, it could be nothing, it could be something… I don’t know and part of me doesn’t want to share this, but I’m writing it out because I believe I’m not the only one who is having to actively pursue calm and joy in the middle of a day I didn’t expect.
Peace is not coming naturally like breathing, so, I am CHOOSING it.
Choosing peace.
Choosing hope.
Moment by moment.
7:30 PM —
You all are so awesome for walking this journey with us.
I just heard from Chase’s doctors… apparently it could be one of a few things (no easy road for our boy), but it was most likely either a seizure of some kind, or even more likely, some sort of migraine episode…because, apparently, kids like Chase start getting more/frequent/painful migraines.
Oh, the side effects of breathing…
Only time will tell what really happened today.
If this is once-and-done, it was probably a migraine, but we need to watch ever so closely and at the first sign of a repeat performance – call. Don’t pass GO, don’t collect $200… CALL.
So, the weird day is done… And the weird life continues.
I want to be free of the wait for “the next thing”, and yet I choose to believe the wait is as purposeful as every other moment.
Tomorrow is a new day with new mercies.
Taking it moment by moment.
Thank you for walking this with us!
Chase still has a headache, but perked up in order to help with his evening shot.