Chemo Duck

Tonight I realized that it was probably time to introduce “Chemo Duck” to EFAMILY.
Yes, I said “Chemo Duck”…

The “Chemo Duck” is a stuffed duck whose name is “Duck” (a little like Chase’s panda bear named “Panda Bear”), and he’s Chase’s new friend.

He was given to Chase by the hospital as a “role play” toy. He (the duck, not Chase) comes complete with a central access port that can be flushed so that Chase can do to “Duck” what we do to Chase. Although, come to think of it, Chase currently comes with an access port too…

He is a fuzzy yellow number (again, the duck, not Chase) with striped pajamas and a scarf to cover his head… a nod to the common chemo symptom of hair loss. At what point ducks ever had hair to lose is currently still a mystery to me…

Picture my sitting on the floor next to Chase, sterile and gloved, trying to perilously clean and “flush” (inject) medicines into small plastic tubes surgically inserted into his arm… all while he sits perfectly still and neither of us do anything to break the sterility of the environment (you know, like, dropping things on the floor). Did I use the word “sterile” a lot? That was intentional.

Enter “Duck”: who is regularly instructed to “sit still” and “be quiet” because “Jesus loves him” (Sometimes I really wish I knew what was going on in Chase’s head).

Presently, Chasey and his “Duck” are sleeping… all sterilized, flushed, and ready for another day.

Here’s hoping all the people and water fowl get plenty of sleep tonight.
