In The Market With Janet Parshall

UPDATE, May 3, 2016 — For some reason, even though I wrote this post yesterday morning, several people didn’t get the news in their inbox until a day later. If you fall under that category, I’m so sorry! But, don’t despair… I have the link to the recording here. You can follow the link to listen to my talk with Janet or to pass it on to friends. You guys, it was truly such a blessed time!


Oh my dear friends, I’m so honored (and slightly terrified) to tell you that I’m going to be hanging out on In the Market with Janet Parshall later today to talk about Chase Away Cancer – This is EPIC.
I honestly don’t know whether you should pray for me to speak an intelligible language or pray for Janet since she’s the one who has to talk to me. Hey, tell you what…just PRAY.

If you’re in the Chicago area, you’ll find me on Moody Radio (90.1) at 4:00PM (CST), and if that isn’t your station/location, you can follow the link here to find a station near you.

And just about the second that I’m ready to freak out and fall down over the “bigness” of this little talk (I’m a mom in sweatpants, remember?), I overheard this conversation amongst my children this morning:

“Karsten, you can’t be crazy today because mom has to talk to a lot of people on TV. Except it’s the kind of TV you listen to, so stop messing around because you’re stressing her out. And then later, we will watch her with our ears.”
Oh, what a great reality moment. I’m feeling like all my kids need to stay in school for now…and also like there aren’t any college scholarships in our immediate future.
But seriously, come join me this afternoon (and don’t forget to watch with your ears) as we talk Chase Away Cancer and the faithfulness of God in all things.
Moment by moment.

“May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.” Psalm 19:14

In The Shadow Of Joy

I’ve come to this writing place so many times in the early hours of morning light. I’ve come here to sit and think through brain surgeries and other surgeries. Through diagnosis and heartache. Through wrestling with God and seeing his love in unexpected and beautiful ways. Through exhaustion and answerless seasons. …and if you’ve been following along for any length of time, you know I could keep going with this list.

But now, in this dawn, I wake up, not with an impending sense of dread, but with great anticipation. And it seems surreal to me to consider that I look out, not over the lake as I have so many times before, but out over my own backyard and the very window where I stood and heard that we were looking at a potential relapse back in the day…where I stood when I heard my mom was sick. In some ways, this view has become my baptism by fire – it’s my cancer window, and yet I love it.

This morning as the calendar quietly speaks May over us, next to my well-worn, well-loved old coffee mug is a piece of already well-worn art. Its 289 pages hold my blood and that of my baby, and its outside is already covered in the smudges of tiny fingers. And if you look closely, there are even some lip marks where a bald boy held it close, kissed it soundly, and whispered over it with awe: “It’s my book! It’s about me!”

Oh dear ones, once again in the dawn, I have no idea what comes next. We’re standing on the edge of something and I believe it’s for our good. Once again, I’m without answers in the wait to see. But as always, of this I am sure: There is Light in the darkness.

And as always, even though we have know idea what’s ahead, we know how it will unfold.

With all my love and gratitude, joyously waiting with GREAT HOPE… Moment by moment.

Taste and see that the Lord is good. Psalm 34:8


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Way-FM This Week

This week, I had the honor to guest write for Way-FM. They asked me if I’d be willing to write about the seasons in life that come with no answers, and fully acknowledging the irony of answering the unanswerable, I undertook to wrestle through this. And I’m so glad I did! God is faithful and good.

I hope my wrestling blesses you as it did me. I’ve included the first few sentences here to get you started and then click on over to Way-FM and discover where I ended up with my answers.


download“There are no words in any language that adequately express the emotion felt when hearing the phrase: “There’s a large mass”, no way to express the feelings that wash over the heart and mind when these words are spoken over the body of a two-year-old boy.

But, I know I’m not the only one who has heard words like this and Chase isn’t the only one to carry cancer like this.
How many times have I heard other stories?

Have you heard them too?

The friend whose breast cancer was gone for thirty years and then relapsed…

The small child who had every advantage that modern medicine could offer and still stopped breathing…

The parents and family and friends with empty arms and an un-fillable void in their lives…

Cancer is a bully – a vicious beast robbing us of our health, resources, relationships, and perhaps most frequently: answers. Nurses look puzzled, doctors shrug, and all people – from every possible religious and cultural background – weep, pray, and go through various rituals to beg for answers that will bring peace and change, and most especially, healing. As if somehow, understanding the unfolding horror will make it suddenly more bearable…”

Read the rest of this post on Way-FM now…

What Has Been And What Comes Next

It’s been a year since two dear ladies sat with me on a conference call and invited me to submit a book proposal and I’ve had to go back and re-thank them both for the honor I now understand that they were bestowing on me.

One whole year of writing and re-writing, editing and re-editing. Of bloody-looking files filled with red words and notes so prolific and desperately needed that Chase would come up behind me and exclaim: “Hey Mom, it looks like Christmas on your computer! It’s all red and white!”

One year of forming new bonds with a new family who have taken up Chase’s story as their own. They have prayed for him and prayed for me, and have cheered us on and even helped us find beautiful resolution to a story with no ending.

One year that we’ve all wrestled to “get it right” – and wow, is it beautiful. I filled the pages and they turned it into art.

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I cannot even begin to describe what it was like to put myself back in the rooms, on the ambulances, waiting during surgeries – all of it – and then to dig even deeper into the hows and whys. It’s both broken and strengthened me in so many ways to type the words “moment by moment” all over again through current life challenges and not just past seasons. Oh, God is good as He pushes me to keep seeing Him in all the craziness even now.

So, out of this process that I’ve begun to think of as a fifth pregnancy; after a long labor and delivery, there is birthed a beautiful new baby, if you will…

Chase Away Cancer: A Powerful True Story Of Finding Light In A Dark Diagnosis

My heart is full. I poured everything I had into these pages and they’re FOR YOU.

Where can you find Chase Away Cancer? Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Tyndale Direct, CBD, Lifeway, and more…

When will Chase Away Cancer be in stores? May 1st, 2016

How can I help? I’m so glad you asked! My heart for this book is to be an encouragement to others and also to help raise awareness about what it can look like on the inside of a cancer diagnosis.

So here are a few practical, hands-on way you can join me:

  • You can take to social media on behalf of the book: Please re-post and re-tweet anything I’m sending out – and don’t forget #chaseawaycancer
  • You can share the website with friends and family: My new BFF Rachel over at Tyndale designed the most gorgeous piece for, so now, when you go to the main address, it’ll take you right to book information complete with links to major retailers and beautiful pictures, bios, endorsements, free downloads, etc. It’s a work of art – check it out! Um, also? Free downloads. Don’t miss that part.
  • You can pick a special day to order the book: I’ve learned that sold books are counted not as whole, but by the week, so if you’re trying to figure out the optimal day to order the book, make it May 1st! If we raise the roof over this and hundreds of people are going crazy about the book on that date (and the following week), just think how many retailers and outlets will need to start thinking more about the topics covered within this story as they look at their weekly sales.
  • You can write a review of the book: After a certain number of reviews (50), Amazon will start to promote the book and suggest it to others. Um, yes, please!

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Promotion is not easy for me (just ask my realtor husband who has almost lay down and died multiple times with the crazy go-live-in-a-cave-and-not-talk-to-people-anymore things I’ve said over the years), but I’m stepping out of my comfort zone for you:

  • Because I believe God is good and that’s why I wrote this book.
  • Because I believe this book is full of things we all face in one facet or another.
  • Because I believe that if we all start talking about this story, then we all start opening doors and discussions to cancer, the goodness of God in trials, fear, faith, and so many other things.
  • Because maybe you know someone who needs to read this book even more than you do and you’re the one to put it in their hands.

You guys, I have no idea where this story is going to go, but I can tell you that the very first advanced copy went out on an ambulance. True story. Can you imagine…?

Moment by moment.


Five hours and thirty-one minutes.

For five hours and thirty-one minutes he pounded the pavement, putting his feet to his purpose. And for all those hours and all those miles, past crowds, houses, and fields in the November sun, he ran holding a sign in the air – “Chase Away Cancer”.

And he told me tonight, though he kept his headphones in his ears, he never needed them as he talked to the people around him. People who came alongside him to talk about his sign because they were survivors, neighbors, family, friends – each one a person whose life had been touched by cancer. They saw him identifying with it in his sign and they identified with him as they all ran together.

And this morning, as he geared up and prepared to walk out the door, Chase and his fuzzy head stumbled down the stairs before the sun was up, urging him to run fast, not slow down, and “Run like me, Dad”. And then Chase covered his fuzzy head against the frost and cold and stepped out along the route to cheer the runners on, holding a sign alongside his crazy, cheering grandfather, proclaiming that “sweat is liquid awesome”.

Five hours and thirty-one minutes later, Bob crossed the finish line for Chase and fighters and parents and friends everywhere. And he wasn’t alone. You put your hearts into this race with him, and today, nearly $5,000 dollars went to St. Baldrick’s in their tireless efforts to chase cancer far, far, away.

