What To Expect When You’re Expecting To Read “Chase Away Cancer”

For the last several weeks, I’ve been getting feedback both on the idea of Chase Away Cancer and now on the finished book itself. Everyone is being so gracious, but there have also been some threads of question and/or doubt woven in that I’d very much like to put to rest.

So, what should you expect when you’re expecting to read this book? Here are the three most common points of feedback that I hear. I hope with all my heart that the answers put your mind at ease and prepare you to join us on the journey.

1. “Well, I probably won’t read the book because I’ve followed along with your blog the whole time, so I pretty much know the story anyway.

Yes…and super, really NO.

Yes, it’s true that if you’ve followed the blog or Facebook page, you have a good idea of where the story goes, however, this book was written from scratch (almost two whole times!) and while it holds some similarities (lessons learned, etc), this is the straight-up, dialogue-filled story of Chase’s diagnosis and treatment. I’m not kidding, you guys. You will be IN THE ROOMS with Bob and I as we make decisions on his treatment and life.

This is unprecedented openness for us — and it is so much so that over a dozen medical staff had to sign off on conversations and use of their real names. It’s so different from the blog in some ways that my own parents (with whom we lived during Chase’s treatment) read the book and immediately called us to say “Wow, we knew, but at the same time, we didn’t know…”

So, to sum up, put all ideas of a yawn fest aside. I kept you faithful story-followers and blog readers in mind when I wrote the manuscript – there will be plenty to learn, and dare I say, even …enjoy?

2. “I really want to support you and everything, but I’m really scared to read a book about a child who gets cancer.”

I would be too.

I can honestly say that if I hadn’t written this book, and somebody told me I should read it, I would probably approach it with some trepidation.

There will be some chapters that you’re going to want to have the box of tissues close, but there are other chapters that will make you laugh out-right and you’ll be shocked that you just giggled over a book with the word “cancer” in it. This is life with Chase. You laugh. You cry. And sometimes, you do both together.

My amazing editor and I (along with a gifted and highly skilled team) worked incredibly hard to make this book “breathable” – ie: you will feel what we felt in the sadness, but you’ll also feel our joy and you’ll find times to “breathe” and take it in as you read. In other words, you’ll get all the feels, but it’s unlikely to blindside you. This was written for joy and grace, not a shock value.

3. “But I don’t have a child with cancer.”

That’s the best news I’ve heard all day!

While it’s true that this book will probably speak most directly to parents of children with cancer, each chapter ends with something God taught us on the journey and the heart of the entire book is that LIFE IS MESSY, but GOD IS FAITHFUL.

So yes, your life might not include cancer, but don’t underestimate how the story might touch you, encourage you, or give you far greater understanding into the life of a friend who might be hurting.

Does that sound proud? I don’t mean it to be — but you guys, throughout this journey, I’ve been amazed that some of the greatest, most touching stories I’ve ever heard about what’s written on this blog came from people who were encouraged and given hope to carry on because they saw their infertility, their disease, their caregiving, their financial difficulties, their selling a house, etc, etc… (seriously, I could go on and on) through the same eyes as I saw a trial of cancer. Yes, my difficulties might look different than yours, but stress is stress and in that, there is a really incredibly universality in Chase’s story.

So, won’t you join us?

*Have other questions or concerns? Please let me know! I’d love to answer them.*

Moment by moment.


Chase Away Cancer on The ARC Podcast

Hey, dear ones! Podcast much?

I must confess that I don’t listen to podcasts very often, but this is a good one, and I’m not just saying that because they’re talking to me. 😉 You’ll definitely want to tune in to Tyndale House Publishers The ARC Podcast!

And seriously, you guys, even if you don’t ever podcast, you need to listen to this because Joy and Adam (the hosts) had to listen to crazy Ewoldt family stories and they deserve a really great audience on this cast for that alone.

I mean, I’m talking potty-training-boys kind of Ewoldt family stories. So even if you feel you’re all caught up on Chase’s story and hearing about the goodness of God (Ha. As if…), please, listen … for Joy and Adam… 🙂

Moment by moment…

Of Joy And Grace In Pre-Op Rooms

You guys… The crazy coolest thing unfolded in the middle of this surgery day!

I’ve been posting pictures of people with their Chase Away Cancer books during this launch week, and I meant to bring my copy of the book to grab a picture of it with Chase in the hospital today, but between the stress and the 6:00AM surgery time, I forgot.

As we stood in the pre-op room, I lamented all of this to Bob. And the nurse working over Chase’s arm, looked up, smiled, and turning to the table behind her, picked up something small and blue, saying: “Well, maybe you can use my copy!”

You see, we met this wonderful nurse during Chase’s first surgery last month and she was so sweet to listen to us and comfort us during the surgery day, and then she went online and bought the book (!!). And she brought it with her today, knowing that Chase was coming back in. So he autographed it for her, and then she watched over him while he slept in post-op and recovery. And he even talked to her (a rarity for Chase with medical staff), asking her to remember to get him a popsicle after surgery and to please “keep it in your brain that I told you this”.

You guys… I’m just absolutely in awe of how lives weave together and how many times I’ve been filled with tears-in-my-eyes, goosebumps-up-my-arms wonder…IN THE HOSPITAL.

Don’t miss the grace and joy…

Moment by moment.

Nurse Carey, Chase, Panda Bear (on his best behavior), and Chase Away Cancer
Nurse Carey, Chase, Panda Bear (on his best behavior), and Chase Away Cancer

**And seriously, Chase and all of us would LOVE to know where YOU are “Chasing Away Cancer”. Please post book pics to the Facebook site – they make our day!**

Surgery Update

It’s been a long day.

Surgery went very well and Chase went into it with Lucas’ name still written on his arm. He was a complete boss and even his Panda Bear (who, according to Chase, is really a dog named “Panda Bear” who can bark and is prone to getting in doctors and nurses’ faces and screaming) behaved himself admirably.

But since waking, he has been in a lot more pain than he was last time, his anesthesia “detox” has seemed a lot more difficult, and his right eye is quite weak, so with the left eye patched, he’s been navigating like he’s blind…when he walks at all. He’s miserable, but it’s over and done now, and for that, we are very thankful.


This is the hard season — the time when we try and comfort in the middle of the damage that we ourselves have allowed. It’s guilt-producing and humbling and would break us if not for the grace of God.

We are so thankful for your prayers and encouragement!

Bob was actually able to be off for the entire day (a minor miracle), we had a dear friend show up in pre-op to encourage us, Chase’s teacher and her family sent wonderful Spider-Man gifts, his class recorded a special video for him, Tyndale staff brought us dinner, and all the doctors and nurses have become good friends in the last month. So in truth, even though it was a hard day and will probably be a rough night, we are incredibly blessed.
And I’ve been getting texts of people with their books today – my heart is full.

Moment by moment.

Book Update

You guys…
Whatever you’re doing… KEEP. DOING. IT.
I found out yesterday that Chase Away Cancer is already ranked in the top 50 “religion and spirituality category” books on Amazon.com , and it’s also within the top 10,000 books on the site.
Doesn’t sound that amazing, right?
There are over 8 million books on Amazon.
So, we’ve been live and official for 4 days now and you are literally pushing this book up and out of “written by a mom in messy sweatpants” to something that people will be looking for and thinking about.
You! Guys!!
And while it’s so nice to have my work acknowledged, I truly believe that this is SO MUCH BIGGER than Chase. I keep thinking of Lucas and Rusty and Julia and all of the parents with empty arms or the parents whose arms are full with endless complications and as you’re sharing about this book, you’re bringing just a tiny bit of their struggle and sorrow to light.

I can’t even…



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