Preparing For The Next Year

It is absolutely incredible to me that it’s been a whole year now since I stood in the hallway of the oncology floor with Chase’s doctor. 

“Did anyone call you?” She paused. “The results of the MRI were great. His brain and spine are clear.”

“Yes,” I remember saying. “We met with neurosurgery right after the scan.” And I remember thinking: another year – we’ve bought ourselves another year with this news.

“There’s just one thing…” the doctor said, casual and calm in the hall. Because it wasn’t a big deal. It really wasn’t. “The MRI picked up something in his thyroid. It’s most likely just a nodule, but we will get you set up with endocrinology for some tests in the next few weeks.”

January 2019

One whole year ago now. 





And finally treatment.

What a year!

But now it’s is a new year, a new decade, and Chase is hopefully turning a new corner.

The radioactive iodine will be a present force in his body for weeks and months yet, so it’s very difficult to define exactly what his status is in this moment, because he actively has active cancer, but he passively, invisibly has active treatment too. I suppose the best way to describe the fight he is in right now is with the picture of a muted TV. The screen is still on and the watcher is still completely aware of it, but cannot follow the details of the game/movie/show because it is silent. That is Chase’s fight right now. He is in passive treatment; an active fighter, the battle on mute, but completely still occurring. The only way we will be able to have a view into the fight will be through ultrasounds every few months, and lab work every four weeks or so – an important part of maintaining his thyroid medication levels, and an early warning system for anything else growing.

And on that same subject, Chase’s last labs showed numbers that reflected his fight in other areas. He had to discontinue his growth hormone shots when he was diagnosed, and his most recent labs confirmed what has been suspected about his little body for years now – it does not have what it needs to sustain an endocrine system long-term. And that breaks my heart because he’s a broken body in a broken world and I’m sad for the struggles he faces along the way – even as he braves them again and again – but for now, these pieces are also treatable. 

So, we will treat him and care for him with careful monitoring and daily injections – giving his body the best chance it has to thrive.

December 2019

And none of it individually is hard or horrible, but altogether, it makes all of us a little weary because it’s the price of doing business as broken bodies in a broken world and our hearts long for the day of healing when we can see Jesus face-to-face and can be free of things like cancer and tears and poking with needles again and again. 

And until then, we keep breathing because there will always be hope and purpose in the journey. Thank you for doing another year with us on this road.

Moment by moment

“God is always doing 10,000 things in your life, and you may be aware of three of them. … There is no power in the universe that can stop him from fulfilling his totally good plans for you.”

John Piper

“I know that you can do all things, and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted.”

Job 42:2

Of Numbers and Joy

There are rare and wonderful species of joy that flourish only in the rainy atmosphere of suffering.

John Piper

This year, he doubled his digits, and he doubled his diagnoses too. 

With his own eyes, he witnessed the celebration of the Super Bowl in Atlanta.

With his own words, he told his story to the Vice President of the United States in Washington.

With his own body, he’s gone swimming and running and laughed and played. 

And with that same body, he’s wept and known fear and exhaustion and pain.

He’s had 1 surgery, 2 full body scans and biopsies, and 3 ultrasounds in the pursuit of this, the second cancer. Which means that he’s been under anesthesia close to 10 times this year.

He’s had 1 round of treatment, 2 documented instances of spread/relapse, and what feel like limitless amounts of blood drawn from his body.

He walked back into the world of seizures – for the first time in 7 years – and had to face down the fear of a potential brain cancer relapse.

He’s had MRIs, CTs, and X-Rays to spare. 

And if I counted off the days out of the last 365 that he spent in the hospital, they number about 60. …that’s more than once a week.

Those are the days alone. But if I counted the actual appointments, the number would close to triple. 

It’s been one of the most extraordinary years of his short life, and so it’s perfectly fitting and perfectly amazing that your response to his year and life was equally extraordinary. 

Dear ones, in your celebration of Chase, you raised almost $5,000* in a single day! 

You are incredible. 

And I love that – because of your many, sacrificial, encouraging, ‘happy birthday’ gifts to the Rizzo Foundation on behalf of Chase – more help will walk the halls of the hospital, more tears will be dried, more smiles will be felt, and more end-of-their-rope parents will be granted more rope and easier breathing in the worst seasons of life. 

This is all you, dear ones, and we are so proud of and thankful for your extraordinary response to our extraordinary Chase. 

Thank you for faithfully, joyfully, compassionately walking this journey with us…

Moment by moment.

**If you haven’t had a chance to give yet, you’re not too late! Simply click HERE to donate now!**

*As of 8:20AM (CST), we are at $4,950!

Of Second Times And Separations

It’s been two months to plan the course. 

It’s been two weeks to prepare his body. 

And now, this morning, there are zero days left to wait. 

Today, for the second time in his fast, yet long nine years, my precious boy will start treatment for a cancer.

The second cancer. 

The second time this second cancer has showed up in his body in these last ten months.

The first time Chase fought cancer, passage was was measured in months and marked with the times we nearly lost him. 

This second time Chase will fight is measured in mere days, but it is marked already with a profound separation.

There have been so many tears – of grief, anger, frustration, fear, pain, and sometimes even joy. But the thing with the tears is that after they rain down, they dry up.

And then hope comes again.


This is not what we would choose, but we move into it, knowing that even in our separation, we are never alone. 

We are heartbroken, yet peaceful.

It is time.

We are ready.

Moment by moment. 

Weeping may last through the night, but joy comes with the morning.

Psalm 30:5b

He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain.

Revelation 21:4b

**After ten months of diagnosis and fifteen days of preparation, while the rest of the 4th graders round out their last few hours in their corner classroom, Chase will lay in a corner hospital room and swallow radioactive iodine, thereby rendering him a radioactive danger to those he loves – for the sake of cancer eradication. For the next 5-7 days, Chase and anything he touches will be living in a prolonged state of separation (both in the hospital and at another location) in which he must remain at least six feet from all other people – until such time as he is officially “cleared”. Please pray for Chase and our family as we walk into the unknown.**

Credit: Margaret Henry Photography

When Everything Changes

“Relying on God has to begin all over again every day as if nothing had yet been done.”

C. S. Lewis (Collected Letters)

It’s funny how a single day can change everything. 

I was sitting in the top of a football stadium along the river separating Ohio from Kentucky, the sun warming the still air all around us when I saw a new message on my phone. 

And everything changed.

For eight months now, the anchor in in the harbor has been a “wait” word. Wait and see if the cancer grows back. Wait and see if it grows into other new, breathing lung places. Wait to even look with an ultrasound because these kind of cancers grow so slow. And these doctors who see the worst and the harshest…? Well, can you blame them if they don’t want to over-cut thin skin, over-treat weary souls, over-anything these precious littles? I certainly can’t. 

But the scared places in my heart wanted to blame and scream to stop the wait and start the fight. The cancer is slow in other bodies, but cancers seem to like Chase’s body too much, and the last one grew fast like a wild fire in the wind. 

Four to six whole months to even peek inside… the pictures and news would come right before Christmas and his tenth birthday. Four to six unchecked months for the cancer to go and do anything, anywhere. And of course, it might not go anywhere. But this is Chase we’re talking about and he tends to have the outlier story; the road less traveled journey.

But then, a message read against the sun’s glare on my phone at the top of a football stadium changed everything just a bit. 

For, you see, sometimes doctors change their minds. They talk to each other and pour over the charts and histories and results like a holy grail of sorts, and then they turn to each other and question why they should stick to the idea of four to six months when Chase is a blink-of-the-eye kind of boy. And so, instead of waiting for cold weather and holidays, the message said we do it now, in just a few days at the peak of the pre-Fall warmth.

And yesterday, with a simple phone call, everything changed again

Because it’s not just the scan that comes in a few days, dear ones. Sometimes doctors change their minds about treatment too. They chart and think and test and then they turn to each other and question the wisdom of leaving cancer to grow in Chase’s body where it grows too well despite official prognoses and data. And so, while treatment may not be easy for Chase, it is a precaution that has gone from a distant possibility to an imminent reality.

For the first time since October of 2013, our sweet boy will officially go back into treatment. 

It’s silly and crazy, because we’ve known to expect this since we heard the words “It’s cancer” back in January. But it feels different now that it’s here, and it feels urgent in the speed of a changed decision. And I think at the end of the day, the best way to describe our hearts in this is ‘joyful grief’. We are so deeply thankful that the wait is over for now, and that the doctors looked to each other and came up with the answers that were heavy on our hearts. We did not have to fight them for these changes. They came to our conclusions on their own and that’s a blessing of the best kind when doctors have to be like family members on the regular. So there is joy in that oneness of mind, but there is grief too. Once again, we push into pain for the long term benefit and willingly subject our precious son to incredibly hard things for the sake of his future quality of life. 

We have been told that we will hopefully know more by the end of next week. And it could all change again in a second. But until that time when the results are known, through that time of tests and procedures, and beyond – whatever may come – as long as breath remains – we cry out for grace and strength in the …

…moment by moment.

[All pictures are from this past weekend; fulfilling Chase’s dream to finally see his friend Robbie Gould play in real time. All our love and thanks to the Gould family for making this dream a reality for Chase.]

Sibling Speak, Pt 3 [VIDEO]

And now, this one… Only one year and five days separate their births and they were more like twins than not until cancer changed the story.

He spent his fourth birthday sitting in a hospital, recovered from his own tonsil surgery without a mom at his side (because it happened the week after Chase’s brain surgery), and used to stand by the couch and hold out his hand to the white, screaming mess of his brother, saying “It’s okay. I will hold your hand. I am here for you.” He remembers none of these things, but I do. He doesn’t know why – to this day – the sound of Chase screaming makes his own eyes well up, but I do. His soul and blood are tied to the bald boy, whether he likes it or not.

His heart breaks with the need for justice which makes him resentful sometimes and powerfully protective all the other times. He is guilt and love; rolled into one. Like Karsten and Darcy too…there are days he’s ready to end Chase, but he will gladly slay anybody else who tries. And like his father before him, he holds so much more in that head then ever comes out of his mouth.

And this one… well, when Chase goes all you-and-what-army, he does so knowing this one stands behind him every time. If you listen closely, you will hear him say Chase’s strength and the look on his face is clear – he has no idea that Chase’s strength is because of him.

The life of a cancer sibling is often a silent, supporting role. It has to be, and they do it so well. But here, in his own words, is a little of Aidan (with some off-camera Chase interaction). This is raw, unfiltered, uncut – All heart, all sibling, all laughter, all pain, all in.

Moment by moment. 

Note: The term “Bacon” is something Aidan uses to make Chase laugh when he gets angry. As you can tell from his words, Chase’s low executive functions play a big role in Aid’s relationship with him. Apparently, “Bacon” is a way to help them cope and I find I’m okay with that. 🙂