Somnus Relinquo

This winter, I wrote about my epic battle against the germs. I’m happy to report that they are (at least for now) GONE!  [germs are trolls and I am winning!]

Just when I was beginning to picture peace breaking out and rest/relaxation on the maternal horizon, there has in the last couple weeks been a fast and furious attack on another front.


This is a technical* term: see also “Somnus Relinquo” – literally “the abandoner of sleep” (thank you, Google!)
*technical in that I made it up right now and decided to call it technical.

Commence the wracking of brains:

Counselors have been employed…

Positive reinforcements have been offered…

Negative reinforcements have on occasion been instituted…

[Is this starting to sound like the friend of Sam I Am who wouldn’t eat Green Eggs and Ham?  By the way, does that guy even have a name?  I mean, other than “The Ham Guy”?  I digress …]   


Back to the Bed Getter Outer … alias: Aidan Russell Gray Ewoldt, age 2 …

Overall, there has been mild progress made on the parental front at large, but this last week there were significant set backs due to advancement in the opposition’s technology.

There was the strategic battle of “Get Out of Bed and Climb The Bookshelf” – the terrain being six feet tall and only 12 inches wide, this was a particular blow to the circulatory system (heart region especially) of the maternal forces.   An immediate extrication was instituted.

There was also the day of the “Early Surprise Attack with Hostages” – in which the civil defense system (otherwise known as his 5 year old sister over the baby monitor) went off at 6:15 AM with the news that the enemy had not only abandoned camp, but had stormed the fortress across the room. (also known as baby brother’s crib)   He had somehow passed the alligator-infested moat (or, yesterday’s toys with pointed edges that hadn’t gotten cleaned up and still lay on the floor) and had taken the bed …er, castle itself.   However, he had made the strategic error of being unable to exit the castle once inside. This knowledge proved fatal to his morale and he opted to wage hard and fast war on the inhabitants (his one year old brother) during his incarceration.
He was duly captured and questioned, maintaining that since he had been in A bed (though not his own), he was innocent of all accused crimes.


As of today, I’m … wait … what was that? [shouts from the other room] … he’s WHERE?! … I’ll be right there!!

More later …

Songs for Saplings

“Songs for Saplings makes music for kids. We want them to understand who God is and what He has done, as well as what He wants your children to do and to be.”

~from the Songs for Saplings website

A few weeks ago, we had the great pleasure of meeting Dana Dirksen and her family.  Dana and her husband James have six kids and live on the West Coast and (more importantly for the purpose of this post) are the creators of “Songs for Saplings” — A musical ministry to help teach children about God.  Dana has a great, mellow voice and is gifted on the guitar (parents, imagine a CD for your kids that reminds you of a chill afternoon in Starbuck’s), and her children sing and play (dejembe, keyboard, etc) with her as well.

While the music is good, the lyrics will blow you away!  These are such great and strong biblical truths!  Kids will hear such songs as “Who is God?”, “Who are the three persons of God?”, How can you glorify God?”, and much more!  These three titles that I just named are just the first three songs on their CD: “Questions with Answers: Vol 1: God and Creation”. Each CD they’ve produced is equally jammed with similarly deep themes.

I feel like this music is suitable for all ages.  I really enjoy listening to these and both my 5 year old AND 2 year old love listening and singing along.   (The 1 year old likes it too, but he’s 1 and also likes to watch parked cars, so take his interest with a grain of salt)

In addition to providing this amazing music, the Dirksen family has a strong heart for missions and travels internationally to sing and share.  According to their website “Songs for Saplings music is currently being used in Bangladesh, Malawi, Romania, South Africa, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Zambia.” Supporting the Dirksen family and their music is another way to support international missions.

So, whether you “like” them on Facebook,:

Or, go directly to their website:,

Check them out!!  This family, their music and ministry is worth your time!


**This youtube video is a little funky with it’s images, but it definitely gives you an idea of their style.**

*This post is something that I felt led to write after meeting the Dirksens and hearing a little bit about their ministry.  This is not a paid endorsement.

March 5th, pt. II

Missed “March 5th, pt I”?  Read it here.

Something that is only too apparent to those who know me is that I’d FAR prefer a root canal to public speaking.  I don’t know why … my husband is the exact opposite … but public speaking petrifies me.

This was my biggest obstacle: speaking as Daryle had asked me to speak had to be done, but I really, really wasn’t looking forward to getting up and speaking in front of the whole church.  The date was set for Sunday, March 5, 2006 (trust me, this date IS significant … but also for a future blog), so I had a week or so to prepare my thoughts and come to term with my nerves.

The morning of Sunday the 5th, I was overwhelmed by God’s grace.  I was not alone in any possible way.  The entire elder board as well as my parents stood behind me as I spoke briefly.  Daryle had prefaced what I said with some thoughts on church support, encouragement, and most importantly accountability (this is a word that you, if you’re around me for any length of time, will hear me use a LOT).  After I spoke, they gathered around me and prayed for me, my precious daughter, and our church.

These few sentences seem to be way too short a description of that incredible morning.  It was a momentous day but, in truth, I remember very little of it.  It passed in a blur.  I recall impressions, like hearing my own voice, the heat of the lights on the stage, appreciating our college pastor’s hand on my arm while praying as I started to feel faint, the almost deathly quiet in the room, the absence of fear, feeling no condemnation.

God’s lavish grace and faithfulness through my church family was incredible.  Again, I was overwhelmed.  They gave me a baby shower … so many people and so many gifts … as I looked around my living room late that night (after the shower) and saw what I would learn in future was most of my baby’s first year of life completely provided for, all I could think of was Isaiah’s response to the Lord’s presence in Isaiah 6: he realized his own sinful heart in the presence of God’s holiness.  Yes, baby gifts are hardly holy, but God’s provision for the sake of His glory is.  I was humbled in such a beautiful way.

Why discuss in such detail the role my church played in these months?  My hope then – and now, even as I write this – is that my talking about what happened in my life and seeking accountability will encourage others to do the same and/or reach out to those around them in need.  We do need each other, and as my wise father often says, “Churches should be hospitals for sinners, not museums for saints.” 

“Make this your common practice: Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you can live together whole and healed. The prayer of a person living right with God is something powerful to be reckoned with” (James 5:16-17—The Message).

I spoke publicly.  The issue was an issue no longer.  It was now a picture of God’s faithfulness.

The baby could be anticipated with joy.

On Contentment

From my husband Bob (also posted on his Brevis blog) ~

Christians struggle with contentment.  I struggle with contentment.  I’m ambitious, driven, and competitive by nature, so I struggle to take time off or slow down, and am always looking for something better.  When I miss a goal, I mope; when I start a project, I’m already looking on to the next thing that I want to do.  I hate to get stuck in a rut.  These tendencies have led me to think about contentment, and being satisfied in Christ alone.

What is contentment?  Is contentment the opposite of ambition?  Can someone be ambitious and be content at the same time? How are joy and contentment related?  Can you make it a goal to be more content?  How does one practice contentment?

Contentment Defined
Hebrews 13:5 says, “Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have.”  It seems like there is a link between money and contentment.  And, when I say there’s a link, I mean a reverse correlation: the more money you have, the less content you are.

John MacArthur goes so far as to say that most Americans don’t experience contentment because we are a rich society:

“Most Christians don’t experience it, obviously, to the degree that God desires us to. We tend to be a very discontent people. And I have this sort of personal theory that the more you have the more discontent you become. If that is true, then this must be one of the most discontent societies in the history of the human race. We are called to contentment. We are called to be satisfied. We are called to say I have enough. Most of us don’t experience that. Paul did. Paul was a satisfied man. He was a contented man.”

Jeremiah Burroughs defines contentment this way: “Christian contentment is that sweet, inward, quiet, gracious frame of spirit, which freely submits to and delights in God’s wise and fatherly disposal in every condition.”

Sinclair Ferguson says that “contentment is the direct fruit of having no higher ambition than to belong to the Lord, at His disposal.”

The Opposite of Contentment
The opposite of contentment is covetousness.  When we desire something so much that we lose our contentment in God, we elevate that worldly object above God, and place it as an idol over him.  When we grumble to God that he hasn’t given us the perfect job, or the perfect family, we show ourselves to be discontent.

My study of contentment led me to a small study of covetousness.  In his sermon, “Battling the Unbelief of Covetousness,” John Piper states that “the opposite of covetousness is contentment in God.”

Have you ever found yourself wanting something other than what you have?  Have you looked at your neighbor’s house, and said to yourself, “Wouldn’t it be nice to have that house?”  Or, have you looked at your job and thought, “I really don’t like my job… if only I could be a _______, then I would be happy”?

Christians battle covetous thoughts every day, myself included.  There have been many times when I’ve thought that the grass might be greener on the other side of the causeway.  There have been times when I’ve gotten down on myself in each of the following things:

  • My job—could I be doing something that I enjoy more?
  • Living in a condo, instead of a house
  • Driving 10 year old cars, instead of 5 year old cars (or new cars)
  • My income
  • My kids (why on EARTH can’t they be well-behaved like the Bauer kids??)
  • My lifestyle
  • My physique (though there’s really nothing to complain about here… I’m pretty ripped J)
  • My wife

Practicing Contentment
The phrase “practicing contentment” seems a little bit ironic.  One can be discontent with their discontentedness, and then make a goal to practice being content more often.

Practically, how do Christians practice being content?  We live in the most discontent culture in the world, and we’re called to be content in the midst of it.  That’s kind of weird (see my past post about being Weird as Christians).  Here are a couple of lessons that I gleaned from different sources as I read about contentment (most of these summary points are from John MacArthur):

  1. Contentment begins with confidence in God’s providence – believe in God’s sovereign control.
  2. Contentment involves knowing your own heart.  John Ryle says, “Few know their own sin; few feel their desert; and so few are content with such things as they have. Humility, self-knowledge, a clear sight of our own utter vileness and corruption, these are the true roots of contentment.”
  3. Contentment has an element of satisfaction with little.
  4. Contentment is living independently from circumstances, not letting yourself be swayed by your circumstances.
  5. Contentment is being sustained by a divine power – you can be strengthened by the Holy Spirit to be more content.
  6. Contentment has an element of being concerned with the well-being of others.

May we all know contentment, and be able to echo Paul when he says in Philippians 4: “I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength.”