Skinned Knees, Runny Noses, and Pots

I’m happy to report that we survived the start of our pot* garden on Friday!

*just to be clear, I’m talking legal pot, or potS rather … as in the terra cotta kind.  Or really, fake terra cotta because I’m cheap.

It was not without it’s small bumps (literally and figuratively), but now, after one trip to the plant store (virtually disaster free …ha!), ever so many snack crackers used to bribe the children, 4 skinned knees, 15 nose wipes, one disciplinary action (we SHARE the toy car, we do not extricate our little brothers and/or pull the car over on top of him), three showers, two small sun burns, and one missed nap (and possibly a partridge in a pear tree?) …


[Hey, you can also see my gorgeous Mother’s Day rose in the background … an idea my hubby got from the Pioneer Woman …well, don’t look too closely actually, it had a pretty hacked-up pruning experience yesterday, poor thing]

Darcy picked two veggies: yellow pepper and cucumber, Aidan picked his nose, and Chase tried to pick something sticky off the cart (ew).

I picked some herbs.  I’m so excited about growing herbs!  Have I mentioned this?  I plan on spending some time this summer reading exactly how to utilize the plants beyond “Wow, they smell great!” and “I feel so cool for growing herbs!”. Know of any good info?  Pass it along, please. 

I’m especially excited about the Lavender.  I love Lavender.  I have a little crush on it and utilize it as much as I possibly can.  (Think: healing/relaxing, household cleaners, air freshening, etc, etc … more on that later)

So this is our start … off hand I’m thinking of adding tomato, peas, and lettuce.  (Be impressed with my impressive planning ahead skills)  Wishing I had enough room for some things like squash and pumpkins!

Have some suggestions for us?  Please … I’m always in need of suggestions … share away!  Have a favorite veggie?  Share that too!

Cliches, Bribes, and Gardens

Today is the day …

I’m pulling myself up by my bootstraps, I’m putting my nose to the grindstone, I’m … well, I’m having a cliche party at the moment, but today is the day I’m finally going to attack my gardening dilemma.

Living in a condo makes this aspect of life a little more challenging for us.  We’ve explored the possibility of community garden plots, but sadly, our community auctioned off a majority of it’s plots for the high school LaCrosse fields and so that option is out.  We have also discussed a porch garden in pots, but our home faces due North and we only get early morning and late afternoon sun … ah, a moment of silence for all the things I wish I’d considered before we bought this place … although!  I will say, I do save on my cooling bills in the summer because we almost never get direct sunlight in here.  (it’s like a cave)

Moving on …

So, at this moment, I’m leaning towards putting a couple shade-loving plants in pots on our porch.  Because we NEED (NEED!!) green things around here!  And then begging my parents (who live across town) and possibly also promising to wash their dishes or take out their trash all summer in exchange for putting some pots of veggies in their yard — which gets crazy sun all the time.    [Mom and Dad, if you’re reading this, I never promised to wash your dishes and take out your trash.  You never saw this post.  Repeat after me …]

Sound like a garden plan?

Wish me luck!  Maybe not so much on the “gardening aspect” as in the “getting three kids through the gardening store without spectacular disaster” aspect.

Stay tuned …

[Disclaimer: my garden will look nothing like this garden.  I’m just saying … consider yourself warned …]


Today, I’m celebrating HAIR!

Just to be clear, I do NOT mean this kind of hair … this is troubling hair …


No, I mean THIS kind of hair!

Scoff if you will, but this is a BIG DEAL!  For those of you whose children pop out with a full head of hair and keep it, you’ll never know this anguish, but rejoice with me all the same because my little bald boy is finally getting hair!

A short month ago …

And now!  Glorious now!


Sibling interruption:  “Why are you taking pictures of Chase’s hair, Mom?  Take pictures of us too!”

See?  They have hair too.


Okay, I’m done now.

Until his first hair cut.  … and then I can’t be held responsible for posting a weepy “my baby’s first hair cut” blog.  Consider yourself warned.

Okay, now I’m really done.


The Hospice Angel

If you enter our building from the parking lot, it feels like the front, but it’s really the back, and you have to walk right by the laundry room before hitting the lobby.  We’re a very classy establishment.

I came in late on Monday night from an appointment, and saw one of my neighbors doing a little late-night laundry.  We chatted for a few minutes and, in the course of our conversation, she mentioned that she knew me and she knew the kids (everybody in our building knows my children … you’d have to be deaf and blind to NOT know my children), but that she’d never met my husband.

I said it was quite probable that she hadn’t, but then remembered that she had briefly met Bob on the morning after the blizzard in late January.  When I mentioned this, she looked shocked and said, “Oh my word!  He’s the hospice angel!”  This took me by surprise.  I have heard my husband called many things, but “hospice angel” has never been one of them.

Here’s what happened:  On the morning after the blizzard, Bob was home (as was half the state).  There were 3-foot-high drifts around our cars and we suddenly saw this neighbor trying to dig her little car out of the snow.  I should probably mention … since we have an outside service at our condo for snow removal, none of us keep shovels …something you really wouldn’t consider until you’ve spent 45 minutes unearthing your car with your floor washing bucket.  Anyway, if I remember correctly, she was using her windshield scraper to try and clear out the parking space.  What stood out to us was that she was wearing scrubs.  We figured she must be a nurse on her way to a hospital, so Bob had grabbed his coat, found a garbage can lid, and went to help her scoop the snow away from her car.  She got in to back out, got out of the space, and Bob came back inside.  End of story … or not?

Here’s what we didn’t know until Monday night.  Lourdes is a hospice nurse.  She couldn’t get to any of her patients that day because of the snow, but she’d gotten a call from a nursing home close to where we live begging her to come because nobody else could and they had a patient who was actively dying.  She told them that she would try and get her car out, and if she couldn’t do that, perhaps she could try to walk.  She told me that she was just about to give up when this guy with dark hair and glasses (Bob) seemed to come out of nowhere and helped her get her car out.  By the time she backed out of the space, he had left (having come back inside).  She said she’d never seen him before or since, but because of his assistance, she made it to the nursing home and was with the patient when he/she died that day.  The hospice and nursing home staffs still refer to her unknown helper as her “hospice angel.

This is a crazy and rather humorous story, but it reiterated something to me.  I never know how helping or serving another person is going to be used–in their life or in my own.

I once heard John Piper address our understanding of the mind of God and now I wish I could find the quote … something to the effect that we see only one thing and God sees everything all at once.  In this tiny instance–how helping to get a car out of the snow ensured that a hospice nurse got to the bed of her dying patient.

When I thought about this, I felt a reminder to “Be ready.

Are you looking for the opportunities that God puts before you to serve others?  Will you be ready?

Chocolate Mint Layer Cake

Chocolate … ah, chocolate.  Chocolate makes me happy.
My sister made this fabulous chocolate cake for us last weekend and it was A-Maz-Za-Zing!  The recipe comes from (there’s a link below), and I would have posted gorgeous pictures of the beautiful finished product, only … well, it’s gone.  Already.  Don’t judge me.  Make this cake.
  • 3 cups all purpose flour
  • 1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 2 teaspoons baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 2 cups cold water
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 1 cup corn oil
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
  • 1 1/2 cups (about 10 ounces) mint-flavored chocolate chips


  • 5 cups powdered sugar
  • 3/4 cup plus 3 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons (1 1/4 sticks) unsalted butter, room temperature
  • 8 tablespoons (about) milk
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons peppermint extract
  • 1 1/4 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 1 cup (about 6 ounces) mint-flavored chocolate chips
  • 1/4 cup red-and-white striped peppermint candies or candy canes (broken into pieces)

For cake:
Preheat oven to 350°F. Butter and flour three 9-inch-diameter cake pans with 1 1/2-inch-high sides. Sift flour, cocoa powder, baking soda and salt into medium bowl. Mix 2 cups cold water and sugar in large bowl until sugar dissolves. Gradually mix in corn oil and vanilla extract. Whisk in dry ingredients. Divide cake batter among prepared pans. Sprinkle 1/2 cup mint-flavored chocolate chips over cake batter in each pan.

Bake cakes until tester inserted into center comes out clean, about 25 minutes. Cool cakes in pans on rack 15 minutes. Cut around pan sides. Turn cakes out onto racks and cool completely.

For frosting:
Combine powdered sugar, cocoa powder, unsalted butter, 6 tablespoons milk, peppermint extract and vanilla extract in large bowl. Using electric mixer, beat frosting until smooth. Thin with more milk by tablespoonfuls, if necessary.

Place 1 cake layer, chocolate-chip side up, on platter. Spread 2/3 cup frosting over. Sprinkle with 1/2 cup chocolate chips. Top with second cake layer, chocolate-chip side up. Spread 2/3 cup frosting over. Sprinkle with 1/2 cup chocolate chips. Top with remaining cake layer, chocolate-chip side down. Spread remaining frosting over sides and top of cake. (Can be made 1 day ahead. Cover with cake dome; let stand at room temperature.)

Place striped peppermint candies in heavy plastic bag. Crush with hammer. Sprinkle candies over cake.

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