Finding My Voice … Again

5 months. 

The longer I wait to write again, the harder it becomes to (re)find my voice.  I have posts and stories rolling around in my head endlessly – many of which end up like a punchline on Twitter* – but today is THE DAY.  No more procrastinating – back to writing I go!

In these months that you’ve been languishing without a good E-FAMILY read (see? I’m rolling in the jokes already!), we’ve coalesced as a family of six, we’ve completed a first year of classical school, many various and sundry activities, and lots of time with family and friends.

I can’t wait to share much of our time with you!

Reader warning: this will probably mean that you’ll be reading about our January in July.

Yes, we’re so out we’re in.

Have you missed us?  Here we are!

Please disregard whatever Easter candy it is that’s sticking out of Chase’s mouth. (I clearly did)


*shameless self promotion: if you’re not following me on Twitter, you should be [@eurofiedchic]

It Goes Without Saying, Right?

My “corn popper” experience with Chase made me think about how often I assume that I have adequately passed on a social convention (such as “We don’t make incessant and loud noises in a room where an infant is sleeping“) when in reality, my children feel no such compulsion in regards to their behavior.  In other words, they do things they really, really shouldn’t.

In honor of this, I have compiled a small list of my most recent “It Goes Without Saying” moments …

  • It goes without saying that we don’t pop the corn popper into the room where the 6 week old is sleeping, right?
  • It goes without saying that we don’t pick up the stick of butter thawing on the counter top and take a big bite out of it, right?
  • …that we don’t take a bite out of somebody else’s deodorant, right?  Come to think of it, don’t take a bite out of ANYBODY’S deodorant EVER, okay??
  • …that we don’t try and take out the Christmas tree with a large library book.  Oh, and this would be one of those “let’s skip it altogether” moments; much like the deodorant.
  • …that we don’t climb the four-drawer file cabinet like a ladder.
  • …that we don’t use your brother’s Excalibur sword to swipe the picture frames off the shelves over your head.
  • …that you don’t eat crayons.
  • …that you don’t eat crayons AGAIN.
  • …that you don’t take your pants or your diaper off.  Especially not at church.
  • …that the large floor signs in department stores are not for line backer-style rushing.  (Neither is the Christmas tree)

Wow.  I said “small list”, so with this, I’ll stop.  

In other news, I’m also calling a cease and desist because I just realized that every single item on this list has been performed by only ONE child.

It goes without saying that I’m signing off to get another cup of coffee …



Why Popcorn and Naps Don’t Mix

Last week, I had to sneak into the room where Karsten was taking a nap.  Even though the noise maker was running in the room, I told the other three children that I would be right back and that they were not to follow me into the room for obvious reasons.

While I was in the closet and in the process of hanging up some shirts [see also: hands occupied, unable to avert impending disaster], I heard the loud and cheerful sound of the “corn popper” being popped down the hallway towards the bedroom.

“He wouldn’t!”; thought the mother of four who was clearly in the throws of a major rookie mistake.  Oh, Yes.  He would.  He could.  And, he did.

Chase “corn popped” his way into the room and stood  -with his thumb in his mouth and a blank look on his face- staring down at the sleeping Karsten in his bassinet.  The hand that wasn’t in his mouth was idly pushing the popper back and forth on the floor with random “POP!” noises.  …in case Karsten had missed it the first time.

Why didn’t I “shush” him and get him out before he got that far?  Easy-peasy: Chase is a screamer (what should and probably will be the subject of another post).  Knowing that the corn popper only may wake up Karsten and Chase’s screams of protest at being ushered from the room certainly would wake up Karsten, I was forced into one of my many daily “Which hill do I die on?” moments.  Subsequently, Chase was forced into one of his many daily “Which side of the time-out chair do I want to sit on?” moments.

And this is the story of how Chase “corn popped” the baby awake.

The End.

Stay tuned for the second chapter  in the tome known as “Chase Blows Up Social Conventions” called It Goes Without Saying … Right?

And He Made It to Age 2…

There are only so many times you want to find yourself staring at a positive pregnancy test in shock.  Frankly, that number would probably be a big fat “zero” for me.  Yet, that’s exactly what I was doing in the late winter of 2009.  A pregnancy test in one hand and a 3 month old in the other…

“The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.” ~Proverbs 16:9


At exactly 3:02 PM on December 12, 2009, we welcomed our precious Chase into this world.


Overwhelming at times? Yes.  Humbling always? Yes.  Would I have it any other way? No.

Happy Birthday, Chasey-Bear!  We love you!

**Note: Whether it’s an afternoon of being born or playing around the house, his mouth is almost always open and there’s usually [loud] noise coming out of it.**

Thirty Years … Or More …

Today I turn 31 … eep!  

Further down this page is my first blog post of this nature taken from my 30th birthday [ie: when I was young and carefree].

With each passing year of my life and child added to my life*, my own mother’s life and sacrifice appear stronger and more amazing.  

I’m so thankful for my dear Mom – always and especially today.

My mom with all four daughters, July 2010, North Carolina

*Yes, “another year” and “another child” have practically been synonyms here. Very funny.


Today I turn 30… [moment of silence over my impending ancient-ness]

In all seriousness now, my children’s birthdays are so much sweeter and more poignant to me for my own memories of watching them enter the world and holding their precious little bodies for the very first time.

Thirty years ago today, a young woman who had waited nine months (and many years before those months) held her infant for the first time – being sure despite skeptical nurses that the baby would have red hair.

She then proceeded to pour the best of everything she had into that little one … for the next thirty years.

Thanks, Mom.