Every year, in the middle of August when the school doors open wide, my dad stops extra and special to pray for my kids and he slips them a verse to hold close for the whole year ahead. This verse is always printed on colorful paper, laminated and trimmed so carefully by his own hand, and most importantly, is something he has thought and prayed through – often for months before the moment. He waits in stillness, asking the Lord what word is needed for all of his grandchildren as they head back into their classrooms for another year. And then, with verses in hand, he challenges them to hold the God words close in their desk, backpack, locker, or binder, so that whenever they see the colorful paper, they will remember that they are known and loved.
And every year, it’s something of a tradition for him to show up on the first morning of the first day and share breakfast with the kids, laughing and energizing them, and then talking through the verse and praying over them before they leave the house and the early morning sunshine around the breakfast table. But this year, his words came differently. They came, most purposefully, in the form of a letter, and I felt the printed words not just for my children, but for my own heart too.
So, with his permission, I am sharing the printed letter words with you here – this is Chase’s copy: because Chase, but also because this letter, this verse, even the quote (only my dad – #girldadgoals – could mix the Bible and a Hallmark holiday movie together so well) speaks into the often broken-hearted, burned-out feeling of being other, of having nothing of value to offer, and even of hard life things that just don’t relent.
The letter is shared in its entirety below, and I hope it leaves you as it did me: knowing that we are each unique and purposeful, meant for good things by the One who loves us so. Now, here’s my dad to Chase…
Dear Chase,
This year, I’m sending you your school verses in a letter.
Why? Because you are a letter. Have you ever thought of yourself as a letter? You are. You’re a living letter, a living epistle, sent out to all you meet; at school, at home, at church, in your community, etc.
The goodness, kindness, wisdom, and love written on your heart is being shared with everyone the Lord brings across your path. In that sense, you are His letter sent out to put Him on display, and make the world a better place.
To remind you of your unique one-of-a-kind mission, place these laminated verses somewhere so you can see them often and be reminded of how special you are to God, and to others (like Mimi and Bapa).
In this school year you will definitely grow physically. You will also grow in your knowledge of history, math, science, English, etc… The most important area of growth this school year, in fact, in all of life, is your growth in godliness. And it is towards that goal that both Mimi and I pray for you.
The back and front of the laminated card reads…
“You are our letter, written in our hearts, known and read by all men; being manifested that you are a letter of Christ, cared for by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone, but on tablets of human hearts.”
2 Corinthians 3:2-3
“…we are all, in some way, living letters, unique souls, slipped into fragile human envelopes stamped by our Creator and sent into the world with a story only we can share…”
Signed, Sealed, Delivered: The Vows We Have Made, Layton, Williamson, Hallmark, 2021