It’s cancer…
And the total mind-twisting news is that it’s actually a good cancer.
(Yes, the term “good cancer” exists.)
The diagnosis could have been so much worse, but it’s still another cancer and it’s somehow inconceivable to Bob and me that in nine short years, our sweet boy is facing a second battle.
In this wind-knocked-out-of-us moment, there is so much to weigh us down and break us, but there is so much to be thankful for – so much blessing too.
So, we choose thankfulness…and throw ourselves into the cancerous moment by moment again.
Please pray for our family, that we would bend and not break; that if…scratch that…when we fall, we will always fall toward each other and the still-good God who made us.
And finally, please pray for Chase. He’s so much older this time, he understands so much more. While this particular cancer is nowhere near as intense as his original diagnosis, I do believe this will play out so much more traumatically in his heart and mind because he knows cancer now, he understands the ramifications of this ludicrous, hateful disease. He’s grown so much in knowledge and our prayer is that he would grow in faith too. He will have so many choice moments ahead of him and our prayer is that he will always and forever choose to hope.
Cancer does not have the last word.
…moment by moment.
“In the dark of night, before the dawn, my soul, be not afraid for the promised morning, oh how long?
Oh God of Jacob, be my strength. We will feast in the house of Zion, we will sing with our hearts restored. He has done great things, we will say together; we will feast and weep no more.” -Sandra McCracken