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This day that brings a new start; a new week. Why does it betray me on the regular?
The weekends are full – sometimes precious, sometimes hurt-filled and disappointing, but always tiring. And then here it is a new morning and I feel like I’m starting a fire against damp, weak wood. I’m out before I’ve ever started. I don’t even have the energy to even fake it and somehow, the hours leading up to 9:00am are chalked-up full of the classic one-two punch – sometimes literally.
One child has a cold, drama, and undone homework.
One is having trouble breathing and can’t find inhaler, glasses, or gym shoes (which turn out to be wet and muddy when found).
And one has a headache which leads to a vicious unraveling – a spewing of anger and frustration on everyone in the house.
Between thinking about a healthy breakfast, trying to care about lunches, drying shoes, finding glasses, and hostage-negotiating the bald headache victim, I can’t find my own breath; my own pace. I can’t even hear myself think.
These hours are full of reaction, not planned pro-action and I feel my senses filling up with overwhelm.
Why me? Why now? Why is it always this way? What am I doing wrong that the wheels not only fall of the wagon, but seem to be forever lost?
How do I fan a flame for life and diligence when the day feels ruined before it’s hardly started?
I find myself searching like the drowning. Where is the salvation that will allow my head to stay up and breath through just one more day. One more moment…
I heard it yesterday on the radio and my mind flashes back in a rare moment of clarity:
“The Word of the Lord endures forever.”
I have nothing. He is everything.
My moments will pass like breath. (why did I think they’d do anything else?) He is forever.
I don’t have to fight for strength because in my weakness, He is strong.
So, as I stand in the middle of a day hardly begun and already shattered, I find hope and strength – not in the picking up of the stressful pieces, but rather in the act of LAYING THEM DOWN.
Choosing a hopeful surrender…
Moment by moment.
The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever.
Isaiah 40:8, NIV
Stock photo from Pexels: courtesy of unsplash . com
One thought on “A Hopeful Surrender”
Always so blessed by the focus God graciously supplies you. Thanks know you for your realness and sharing. Such an encouragement and needed reminder.
Always so blessed by the focus God graciously supplies you. Thanks know you for your realness and sharing. Such an encouragement and needed reminder.