Dear Ones, Dear Ones, Dear Ones…!
We had this idea for the “8 For 8” only 24 hours ago, and now, I’m tucking the brand new eight-year-old and his fuzzy head under his worn out Spider-Man blanket and whispering for him to sleep sweet – while you have given just over $1700. (!!)
And the thing is, the money is coming from friends and neighbors.
It’s also coming out of the pockets of cancer kid siblings and 2nd graders who sit in a classroom with my boy.
It’s coming from people we’ve never met, and it’s coming in 8’s and 100’s and sacrifice.
And it’s for Chase, yes, but it’s for Rusty and Noah who fought so brave.
It’s for Mia who should have seen 8 herself.
It’s for Julia and Daniel and Sophia, Matthew and Maddie and Rosie, Aaron and Isaac and Dylan, and… I could name so many more. Too many more.
For those who breathe and fight and those who’ve won and on behalf of Chase and for the others who stand with him – THANK YOU.
Eight years, one boy, one [insanely amazing] community… one thousand, seven hundred pieces of straight-up, you-and-what-army, cancer-can-suck-it MAKING A DIFFERENCE.
THANK YOU, dear ones.
We love you.
Two things…
1. There are still hours in this day and the donation link is still up and running, so raise the roof!
2. Because we love you all and today is such a big day, I’m breaking a personal rule (never post til the cards are mailed!) and putting up a picture from our Christmas card shoot. Just because… ❤️