Oh, dear ones, thank you so much for all the love and prayers today!
First we were blessed by a modified testing regime – minimizing Chase’s seizure risk and bringing the test closer to three hours instead of four or more.
Then, we were completely overwhelmed by nearly two hours of IV drama – at one point, Chase’s bed was surrounded by vascular access specialists, child life counselors, nurses, and parents all trying to save an access point after four failed attempts.
And finally, we were so thankful to get to see lots of wonderful nurses and friends who cared for Chase during his chemo days.
Knowing me, I’ll write more later, and for now, we wait (our favorite) for results and a plan.
And how I wish you could have seen the boy once the pain and tears of all the needles were behind him. He practically swaggered through the halls, ordering people around and smiling with an engaging “Heelllooooo, Ladies” to any and all nurses who passed by.
It’s been quite a day, and it’s a good thing he’s so charming.
Moment by moment.